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17 Days on the Couch

Updated: Apr 24

More accurately a couch transformed into a hospital bed. 

My wife, Donna, hermetically sealed it with old sheets and pillow cases. She brought up an end table from downstairs and loaded it up with painkillers, supplements, ointments, etc. The only thing missing was an EKG monitor beeping in the background. 

I was marooned, but in good hands. 

If thought a lot happened in 2021, I had no idea what 2022 was going to throw at me right out of the gate. Today is Day 17 since I crashed coming down from Jamestown. 

Days 1-7 were kind of a blur. Donna was literally moving my arms and legs for me. But the  combination of pain, residual shock, and Percocet kept me from lamenting my situation or even  feeling sorry for myself. Just a minute-to-minute existence while sleeping through old movies. 

Donna kept me cajoled with pizza and other snacks we don’t usually eat. My kids came during  visitation hours and helped out by bringing food and good cheer. My Rapha buddies brought a wellness package containing back issues of Rouleur, magazines, books, and jigsaw puzzles.  

It all worked. It kept me distracted while my injuries settled into a healing pattern. In situations like this, it’s hard to overstate the gratitude I feel for the support group surrounding me.  Not only does it keep me from feeling down, it serves as motivation to recover, fast. 

Days 8-17 took on a little bit different tone. While the pain was subsiding and mobility on crutches was improving, I started to take stock of the severity of my injuries. 

• What still hurts? • Is everything healing properly? How long am I gong to be down? • How much risk of a setback is there if I push my recovery? With an orthopedist appointment still 5 days away, this self-diagnosis is necessary.  But interestingly, I found myself in familiar territory.

This felt the “same” as two Black Fridays ago when I was assessing my well-being. Not as dire of a situation this time, but still the similar challenges. And a need to find my Wayback again,

So I’m re-engaging in the exact same spiritual, mental, and physical approach that “got me back to being me.” Let's go!

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