Here we are.
A fresh new year. Untainted, nothing but potential.
After a furious two years focused on reclaiming the most personal dimension of my identity, I’m psyched that I've found my Wayback and am starting from a point that’s not in the hole. It’s a whole new challenge unto itself.
First, to be kind to myself, a celebration of what I’ve accomplished. (I’ve been bad about this in my past.) It was no less than a renaissance of my entire well-being.
My clinical health:
-I’ve eradicated my diabetes-2
-I’ve lowered my blood pressure to normal
-I’ve lowered my triglycerides to normal
-I’ve lost 100 lbs
-I’ve lowered my resting HR from 85 to 55
My mental health:
-I’ve meditated 12,015 minutes in 405 straight days
-I’ve quieted my brain and better understood, and accepted, how it works
-I’ve gained clarity on my priorities and purpose
-I’ve turned the corner on depression and know how to manage flare-ups
-I’m able to think about the future but remain present
My physical health:
-I’ve ridden my bikes 11,596.5 miles
-I’ve ridden up 318,000 vertical feet in the Rocky Mountains
-In 2021 had 1,700 PRs on my rides, continuous improvement
-I rode the 2021 Skinny Tire Event in Moab
-I rode the 2021 Triple Bypass (Evergreen to Vail)
-I rode the 2021 Buff Epic100
-I started riding with better cyclists as part of the Rapha club
-I scoped out SBT with the idea that I'd like to start riding gravel
My nutritional health:
-I’ve tracked 1,124 straight meals
-I’ve changed my relationship with food
-I’ve established healthy, new routines for how and when I eat
-I’ve established new habits around bad calories, sugar, and alcohol
-I stay hydrated consistently without effort
-I eat less meat, more fruits, and a lot more vegetables
-I’ve learned about composition and caloric density of most foods
-I choose my places to eat or drink whatever I want
My social health:
-I’ve deepened my relationships within my extended family
-I’ve deepened my relationships with my closest friends
-I’ve met new friends from cycling — riding Jamestown with Katie Bolling from InGamba was a highlight
-I’ve lost track of several meaningful professional relationships I value
-I have clear intentions to reconnect with those people
My professional health:
-I’ve recovered/healed from nearly15 straight years of startup stress
-I’ve started writing a book on my past with a friend in publishing
-I’ve started a blog/podcast to share my story and hopefully help others
-I’ve helped others with apps, strategy, and career development without losing my focus on myself -I’m ready to take on new challenges and projects
-I’ve narrowed the ways I’d like to work
-I’ve established boundaries so that I never completely lose my identity and well-being
So, like I said, a great, new starting point from which to take responsibility for what I want my life to be, take charge and set new intentions, take care and make new commitments, and vividly, visualize my goals.